Luang Phor Kasem was born on Wednesday, 28th November BE2455 in Lampang province. He was the descendant of Lampang's King from the Lanna Period.
He became a novice monk in BE2468 after the death of his uncle, former abbot of Wat Bunyeun. In BE2470, he went to
In BE2475, he passed his Pali examinations with good results and was first in class at Wat Setuwan.
In BE2476, he was ordained a monk at Wat Bunyeun, aged 21.. His preceptor was Tahn Jow Koon Tammajindah, who gave him the name Kemagoh Pikkhu. Shortly after entering monk hood he was to move to Changmai to further his studies.
At a later date LP Kasem was invited to return to Lampang to take up the vacant position of Abbot of Wat Bunyeun. Although his duties kept him busy he still found time to continue learning dhamma. The more he ;earned, the more he realised how uncertain life was. Finally in BE2492, he left Wat Bunyeun,, relocating to Sasahn Sahlahwangthan (a cemetery in Lampang).
Luang Phor Kasem was determined to practise the highest sammahdti at the cementry. He would sit in front of the burial place and watch the burning of corpses. Whether in hot sun or rain, he would just sit quietly and watch.
Luang Phor Kasem often sat in sammahdti for as long as 3 months, without shelter under hot sun or heavy rain. Even though his robes were soaked by the rain or during the cold season, he would just sit quietly and not complain or ask for anything.
He had let go of everything and was steadfast in his practise of dhamma and sammahdti. He was known to go without food for as long as 49 days.
Since BE2514, Luang Phor Kasem only bathed once a year, however his body never smelt bad.. More surprisingly he slept without shelter or mosquito net,
Luang Phor Kasem carried nothing with him. His only possession was an alms bowl, his robe which he was wearing and a section of human bone for him to practise sammahdti. He did not even have any footwear.
Luang Phor Kasem often said that as a forest monk he did not require any possessions. He was contented only with the robe that covered his body. Whatever layman gave to him, he would give away to other monks.
Luang Phor Kasem never used a pillow to sleep, because to him, a pillow was a luxury. Luang Phor Kasem would sleep with his body in full prostrate position in the same spot where he sat in sammahdti. He was very determined to find the truth of life.
He asked for nothing in life although he could have enjoyed luxuries being a descendant of royal blood in Lampang. Luang Por Kasem passed away in BE2538 at the age of 83.